Thursday, January 20, 2011

Assignment #2

I have discovered three main characters, so far:

I have a few secondary characters so far, too, but I have not put a lot of time into their designs yet.  I look forward to posting them up, later. So far I have:

Treezon:  A rapping tree who enjoys intimidating others, and has a rather large ego, but may actually be a decent guy buried behind his successful rap star persona.

The Queen Banana:   Ruler of the Magic Banana Kingdom, a magical world which few people know of.  It can only be accessed via a portal.

The Elder Bananas:  They serve the Queen.

The Dog's Master:  A father figure to the Dog character, but he is very authoritative and structured.  He loves his dog but is hesitant to let him go out on his own, and wants to be involved in all of the decisions he makes.  Career-wise, he'd like the Dog to make a lot of money as a doctor.

I don't have a primary antagonist at the moment.  I feel that I should have one, and that it would benefit my series.

Here are my story premises.  I only have three so far.  I feel that my lack of a main antagonist is making it difficult for me to set up interesting conflicts.  Also I need to put more time into building the kind of world my characters live in, since I have mostly focused on the characters themselves so far:

1.  Marcel goes to the forest to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, but his tranquil meditative retreat is interrupted by blaring hip hop music from the likes of Treezon the rapping tree, and his posse.  Marcel loves trees, but he has trouble dealing with these insensitive brutes.
2.  Marcel and the Dog go house hunting after the Dog's master kicks him out for not having a job or going to school.
3.  The Banana Peel accidentally destroys the moon, throwing the Earth into chaos.  He has to make an appeal to the Banana Queen to rectify his error, with help from Marcel and the Dog.

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