Friday, February 4, 2011

Story Outline: Slippy's Slip-Up (tentative title)

      Slippy wakes up in his doll house, greets his pretend doll wife, then tells her he has to head off to work.  He leaves his doll house (which is within Marcel's house) and begins to play around, riding his model train and doing whatever suits his fancy.  He soon grows bored, and decides to throw frogs at things to amuse himself.  After a bit of frog tossing, he throws a frog at the moon and explodes it.
With no moon remaining, disaster erupts, including tidal waves, spontaneous fire and explosions, quicksand storms, and rabid hyena attacks.  Marcel goes outside to check on Slippy only to find absolute chaos.  Melvin is also swept in to Marcel's house by a massive tidal wave that throws his car into the side of Marcel's home.  Marcel checks to make sure everyone is okay, but both he and Melvin notice Slippy's not very well hidden guilty conscience.  They confront Slippy and he admits to getting carried away and destroying the moon.
Slippy mentions that the Queen Banana actually has an exact replica of the moon that she might be willing to spare, but he's technically not allowed re-entry into the Banana Kingdom because he was exiled for similarly destructive behavior there.  Marcel and Melvin agree to accompany Slippy into the Banana Kingdom to make an appeal to the Queen for her extra moon.
The Banana Kingdom is a rather strange place, but Slippy knows his way around.  The three confront the diva-esque Queen Banana, and she agrees to give them the moon in exchange for a favor.  She hasn't been able to sleep for a very long time because she found a spider in her bed room, and she'll give them the moon if they can get rid of it.  They are provided with an index card and a plastic cup to dispose of it with, then sent to her room.  
When they arrive, they find that the spider is actually a gigantic beast, who nearly devours Marcel and Melvin until Slippy is able to knock it over with a well-aimed frog toss.  The beast falls into the plastic cup where it gets stuck, despite being exponentially larger than the cup, and they set it free into the wilderness.  The Queen Banana gives them the moon then drifts off into her tiny bed.  With the moon returned, all the disasters seem to disappear.

The End.

Also:  He's not in the episode, but here's a design for antagonist Gordon Melonhead

I may or may not try to make him a bit slinkier.  Maybe a touch of Dan Backslide from Chuck Jones' The Dover Boys?

I still have to work on his grandmother's design a bit.  Still thinking about what color Marcel should be, too.

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